Friday, February 18, 2011

47/365 (Feb 16) Good Morning, Baby Girl!!

At about 7:15 on Wednesday morning, I woke up to sounds on the monitor. Happy sounds. The baby girl was talking, cooing, and awwing. I turned on the video feed and saw her smiling, reaching for her toes, and telling stories to both her ladybug lovey and the seahorse (whom she was so eager to talk to that she was contorting her neck so she could look him in the eye and make sure he was paying attention, too). I gave her a few minutes and just laid in bed, enjoying the time that I could watch my baby being so happy. As a mama (a fairly new one, I will admit) I can say that there is honestly nothing more fulfilling than seeing/hearing your child in a state of pure happiness. It fills your heart with love beyond belief. I then walked in and when she caught my eye she got even happier. If it was possible for a heart to explode with joy, I would probably be in a hospital bed somewhere recovering from a heart transplant! Happy baby = happy mama. Who wouldn't want to wake up to this bundle of joy everyday??

(And yes, Grandma Jo...I let her go to bed with her hair up. You want to be pretty while you sleep, too!)

1 comment:

  1. addison has the same seahorse. same color even. we really need to start getting our girls opposite color toys.
