Thursday, February 3, 2011

34/365 Hugs for Dolly

With only a few seconds to snap this photo before Ryan was off to take the baby to Grandpa and Grandma P's (the man has very little patience, folks), this shot came out a little on the blurry side. Oh still makes me smile. Grace loves her baby doll, whom we have not so cleverly named Dolly. If we hand her to Grace, she hugs onto her just like in the picture. The other day, Dolly was lying next to her on her playmat. Baby girl decided it was "rolling time" and naturally she took Dolly along for the ride. She clutched her tight, rolled over, and then would look at her, as if she was seeking approval or a reaction from Dolly for the ride she just provided. Definitely one of the cutest things I have seen her do lately.

I was never, and I mean never, a doll type of girl. In fact, the only doll I ever asked my mom for was Ariel, the Little Mermaid. I believe she still has it because it was that impressive and shocking that I had actually asked for something super girly. I guess that's how it is when you have an older brother and all you want to play with is his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! I'm glad that (so far anyway) Grace is into her dolls and that she is still small enough for me to dress her up in ribbons, bows, lace, dresses, etc... If she is anything like me, she'll be playing with her older boy cousins' trucks and action figures, as well as down-right refusing to wear anything girly in no time. I think by the time I was two, any time Mom would put me in a dress or anything with lace, I would simply take it right back off. I am fully prepared for my daughter to do this to me as well. Mom would say Grace is going to give me a dose of my own medicine! I will, however, continue to hold out hope and relish in the fun I get to have with her doing and wearing all things uber feminine.

Here is Grace loving on Dolly:

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